Who sees the invisible ones


Vi ble sendt ut i parken for å finne inspirasjon. Jeg følte jeg skulle til the Peace garden.

Jeg så ned, der jeg satt og så alt det grønne. Jeg tenkte at alle er vi så opptatt av blomstene med de vakre blomstene og vi ser ikke alt det grønne.



Who sees the invisible ones

Who sees those who always are in the background hiding

Those who are holding you up

Nurturing you, so you can blossom and show yourself in your best way

So everybody can see your beautiful bright colors

While y are only standing there 

Silently together with the ordinary ones

You are not bragging about your beauty 

You know y have another mission

You are born to be in the background 

Helping others to shine

When you see the light in their eyes, it is your reward

Then You shine from the inside

You feel the eternal love in your heart 

That’s why y are here

That’s your life purpose 

Bring love into this world

It is much needed

Everything relay on y doing your job

Being invisible

Y do not need famous and glory to be happy

Y just want to see the light be turned on in someone’s eyes

You are a light carrier

It is your mission 

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